Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Review of The Skinny Budget Diet by Linda Goff

Learn to save money, loose weight, look great and live a happy life!

This book tells the story of a woman and her weight loss journey. She does it without any weight loss classes, gym membership or surgery. She has been overweight the majority of her life and she proves that it can be done with time, exercise and a strong mind. Eventually she looses a lot of weight!

The book is great, its like being with a best friend, she tells things like it is and has some humor mixed in.
She will teach you how to shop in the grocery store smarter, read the Quick Start Shopping Guide that will tell you what to do before, when and after you leave the supermarket. How to shop in bulk without over doing it & being smart about it. Learn how to organize your kitchen for maximum convenience and minimize waste. Make your kitchen to model grocery stores, like rotate your products, new things in the back or putting away that new box of cereal in the pantry, out of reach until the old box is empty.

The book is both entertaining and it makes you think, she asks great questions to ask yourself. Things that you may ask yourself everyday. Shes honest and tells you things that only a close friend or doctor would/may ask. She mentioned to watch out for too much BS (no its not what you're thinking)

I learned a lot from this book, a lot about myself, diet, shopping and being me. It will open up your eyes about things you've probably never brought up or have, but didn't want to admit or think about - personal issues that you may be having now.
I myself, need to loose weight and after reading this book, Im ready to start my own journey. I will reference back to this book when I need to. Truly a great book!

* I received a complimentary copy of this book from Charisma House for the purpose of this review